Monday, August 10, 2009

Life in Dallas

So I've finally settled into my new apartment in Dallas (more or less). I have a bed now! No more bouches, no more air mattresses! I finally have furniture in my room, and no longer have to live off the floor! I think TFA makes you appreciate the little things in not being scalded by the shower every 5 seconds and various other small luxuries.

The outside of my apartment building.

The desk from Office Depot that took my dad and brother 4 hours to put together.

My glorious bed!

More decorating to come later...

So training with Dallas ISD is...different, to say the least. Whereas everything at institute was planned out to the second with a purpose in mind, I feel like a lot of the professional development I've been doing with the district has been empty time filler. I think after 10 weeks of sessions, it's getting to be a little much.

What else have I been up to in Dallas?

Hanging out with lovely TFAers.

Eating. Here's the wall at Peggy Sue's BBQ.

JFK Memorial.

I went to Shakespeare in the Park and saw an awesome, country-Western-ized rendition of The Taming of the Shrew.

We came prepared with a picnic. Fun TFA times.

...and just otherwise exploring my new home for the next two years! I leave you California people with this -

Look familiar?

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